Strategic Initiative Brief: Strategic themes

Jan 29, 2021


The Strategic Initiatives offer a home for strategic thought - drawing on members of the wider UC ANR community and beyond to identify and address issues of current and emerging importance. 

1. Strategic Themes

With the new year, we welcome input on Strategic Themes that are emerging or that offer expanded opportunities to make a difference in 2021. 

For example, we are greeted this year with a growing need and mandate to build health and wellness in communities. Please think about how your work does and could play a growing role to strengthen the health and well-being of your colleagues and communities - and please share if you see opportunities. 

Visit the Strategic Themes to explore topics and opportunities being developed.  

Our growing number of 2-page concept notes highlights existing and emerging opportunities and needs:

2. Sustainable Natural Ecosystems (SNE) needs representation!

For those working in SNE, we want to make sure your needs are represented in the Strategic Initiatives and Program Council. Note: Recognizing people are busy, there is the potential to split responsibilities and you can sit on the SIs while a colleague represents SNE on Program Council. 

If interested to explore the option, please reach out to Mark Bell or one of the other SI leaders. 

For more on the SIs and their activities, contact

Jim Farrar: Pests (EIPD)

OPEN: Natural Ecosystems (SNE

David Lewis: (Water)

Deanne Meyer: Food Systems (SFS)

Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty: Families and Communities (HFC)

Mark Bell: Vice Provost (Strategic Initiatives and Statewide Programs)