UC ANR Moves
UC ANR Moves
UC Agriculture and Natural Resources is hosting UC ANR Moves on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 @ 1:15 PM.
Join the kick-off given by Brent Hales!
May 1 1:15-1:25 PM (kick-off followed by walk at your location until 2 PM)
Zoom https://ucanr.zoom.us/j/98754220328?pwd=b0tML3czSDdKd3U4ZUQzVzBXMGRBdz09
Meeting ID: 987 5422 0328
Passcode: 793713
On May 1 at 1:15 PM Brent Hales will kick us off virtually and lead us in some stretching.
At 1:25 PM we will start walking and returning to the workplace at 2:00 PM. Feel free to discuss with your director to make sure the date/time works for your location.
Make this event fun!
Organize with your colleagues to dress up according to a theme or make posters and spread some love in the community. Either way, don’t forget to wear sun protection and take lots of photos and some videos! Have your videographers and photographers send their mp4 and photo files to Ethan Ireland BOX folder “UC ANR Moves” by May 8.