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  • This workgroup was tasked with reviewing UC’s wellness program, UC Living Well and the Optum wellness platform (https://client.myoptumhealth.com/uclivingwell)
  • Employee engagement is significantly increased when a healthy work culture is created and sustained
  • This healthy work culture can be created through appropriate policies, benefits, environmental support, comprehensive programming and strong leadership in support of health and wellness
  • There are many challenges and constraints for staff when they attempted to use the existing wellness program, the online platform, and various individual campus wellness resources. These included:
    • Time
    • Resources
    • Access
    • Cost/funding
    • Leadership buy-in
    • Varying needs
    • Metrics/benefits
    • Communication and outreach

CUCSA recommendations

  • To address the leadership buy-in from the top, issue a ‘charge’ from President Napolitano soliciting the chancellors’ commitment
  • To improve communication, facilitation sharing of best practices and speed up allocation of resources, identify a wellness champion at UCOP to assist with the coordination of programs
  • To keep new and/or existing programs going provide funding to local campuses
  • To ensure better assessment and metrics to measure benefits of wellness programs, hire at least one wellness coordinator (1.0 FTE) at each location

For the full report, go to: http://cucsa.ucr.edu/Wellness.pdf